Monday, September 14, 2009


So, ya. I flew down to Vancouver yesterday because I had an appointment for a medical examination today. So last night we get off the plane and immediately catch the skytrain to Broadway ave or whatever. Then it seemed we weren't even close to our hotel or the hospital so I found a bus stop map and plotted our route. After an hour of walking and some handy directions from a fireman (turns out I can't navigate worth a shit in a city...) we made found the Suttin Place Hotel. The website said it was 5 star and it really looked like a ritsy place, they type I would feel out of place in.

Fuck. That. Shit. That place sucked! first they were dicks to us and I immediately sensed a condescending attitude towards us regular folk. Even though my buddy had given them his credit card number over the phone for the reservation, because he didn't physically have it on him, I for some reason had to fork over $300 fucking bucks as 'damage deposit'. So they had his credit card number and my $300. Tools.

Then we get to the rooms and there is a bellboy or whatever the fuck you call them who pushes past us, talking to us like he grew up on the farm to, all the while he cleaned our the mini bar and the bowl of candies by the TV. Fucker. Then, we were told we had complimentary internet. Nope. They wanted me to pay as soon as I tried to connect. No Canadian channels on the TV anyway... though I did watch Kanye verbally bitch slap Taylor Swift in front of the world, that was a cunty play.

K, so we get up this morning without our promised complimentary breakfast which turns out didn't exist. After a quick stop at Tim's for coffee and a $30 cab ride we get to the army hospital and we were early so we got sent through really quick. I was given a perfect bill of health. Like I am the picture image of a healthy male human being right now. Everything seems to be perfect.

Then the doc decides I need vaccination boosters and now I'm sitting at home sick as a dog and all congested. THANK YOU!!!

But I guess I'm getting paid to do this so that kinda helps ease the patronizing agony of my weekend.

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