Thursday, September 17, 2009

104.3 Radio FAIL!

K, so I like my rock n' roll. I really do. It's a long the same line as juice boxes and video games with excessive violence. So, when I hear a radio station that claims to be the "Spirit of southern BC' and 'The best rock in the Kootenays.' I'm expecting a good turn out of 70's through to new music with the up-beat-inyourfaceattitude that rock uses to generally define itself.

BUT! When I drive home from work, a 15 minute drive, and hear one terrible 80's love song that was done completely on keyboard, no drums or guitar at all, and then 10 minutes of commercials and the same boring ass news I've been listening to all day... I don't get home in a very good mood. And it isn't isolated to this one instant, I'm always in my car and always listening to the radio, and since M-FM is the only rock station around and I've listened to my new Manson CD to death, I hear M-FM a lot. I have only EVER heard AC/DC once, and that was as hard as I've heard rock on this station. It's either Phil Collins, or April Wine or some other pansy ass shit that teenagers fucked to in the 80's! I wanna hear some goddan'd rock n' roll dammit!

Secondly, I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing Dan fucking doosh-bag Ashman in the morning!. He's got CBC, KBS, and M-FM cornered. Like fucking seriously, does that asshole work at selling shitty trucks at all??? 'Cause it sounds to me like he's spending all his time talking on the fucking radio! "So when you see the rest, buy, lease and service from the best, at loan by phone, 361-0202-"FUCK YOU! I can't wait til that asshole retires, I know I am not the only one, I know the rest of you hate him just as much as I do. He's a slimy car dealing tool.

Sports. Fucking sports. If it's not the news, commercials, or Dan fucking doosh-bag Ashman, its sports. I don't give a shit HOW the city cheers on the Smokies! They probably all got cancer and blood poisoning from breathing in that arenas air anyway!I listen to the radio for music to help me drag my ugly ass outta bed at 0-dark and stupid in the morning. I don't want to hear about this seasons success of some fuck-tard I graduated with... He was an asshole then, he's probably an asshole now!

If I wanted to hear sports talk or the news, I would listen to CBC. If I wanted to hear terrible 80's wannabe's try to lament about their lost love on a key-tar I would listen to KBS. I go to Mountain FM for rock and I got let down.

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