Sunday, August 30, 2009

I fell on a healthy... Ouch?

So... I've been home for 8 days... and, I haven't had red meat since before then, I've started drinking decafe' coffee!
Even that little accent dealy on top of the 'e' used to piss me off cause it's french. But with enough cream and sugar, its not bad, and there is less heart disease! So... thats coming along I guess.
And really I was forced into it, my mum makes a lot of chicken and my stepdad has to drink decafe' cause of his heart attack. I have nothing to do so I walk EVERYWHERE and run alot.

And now that I am back in BC, I am actually eating fruit that is really fresh, doesn't just say that and I don't have to trust what the army says. "The box says the fruit is fresh. I dont care what the expiry date says, eat your fruit!"

I had an apple right off the tree yestarday... My body almost rejected it because it was too good for it. My body was so used to eating crap and sugar and transfats that... It didn't know what to think!

Well thats new... umm... my mum has a vegitable garden and I actually picked my beans and carrots before I ate them... like 30 minutes fresh!

It's a brand new day... or week.

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